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Dr Griffin has trained in both structural and preservation rhinoplasty using the most advanced techniques. As an ENT surgeon all rhinoplasty performed will be both functional (breathing) and cosmetically focused.


Rhinoplasty (changing the appearance of the nose) and septoplasty (straightening the nasal septum for breathing) are procedures that are often performed together for the purposes of breathing & appearance.


Dr Griffin creates a bespoke and personalised approach to your rhinoplasty first taking the time to understand your goals and expectations before examining your nose both externally and sometimes using a small telescope to look into the nostrils if required. If changing the nasal appearance is your primary aim with your rhinoplasty, or you are interested to see what you nose may look like following rhinoplasty then Dr Griffin will perform image alteration to provide a proposed final result.


All rhinoplasty patients, including cosmetic patients, now require a referral from a non-cosmetic GP under the strict new Australian guidelines. 

REVISION Rhinoplasty

Revision procedures are often necessary with some rhinoplasty due to issues with structure (collapse), abnormal healing or an unfavourable result from surgery. Dr Griffin is trained in structural revision techniques to stabilise and improve cosmesis while improving breathing. Every revision surgery is individualised as the nasal skin and framework can often create a surgical challenge.

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