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General ENT Procedures Performed by Dr Griffin


When it comes to ear, nose, and throat conditions, Dr. Griffin, ENT surgeon, offers a comprehensive range of procedures to address various issues. With his extensive experience and expertise, Dr. Griffin provides personalised care and utilises advanced techniques to ensure optimal outcomes for his patients. Below are some of the routine procedures performed at our clinic:


1. Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy:

Tonsillectomy involves the surgical removal of the tonsils, while adenoidectomy focuses on removing the adenoids. These procedures are often recommended to treat chronic tonsillitis, recurrent throat infections, or obstructive sleep apnea. Dr Griffin treats both paediatric (kids) and adults.


2. Sinus Surgery:

Dr. Griffin specialises in various sinus surgery techniques, including endoscopic sinus surgery. This procedure helps to alleviate chronic sinusitis, nasal polyps, and other sinus-related issues by removing blockages and improving sinus drainage.


3. Septoplasty and Turbinate Reduction:

Septoplasty is a surgical procedure that corrects a deviated septum, which can obstruct nasal airflow. Turbinate reduction reduces the size of nasal turbinates to improve nasal breathing. These procedures are often performed together to address nasal congestion and breathing difficulties.


4. Ear Tube Placement (Myringotomy):

Ear tube placement, also known as myringotomy, involves the insertion of tiny tubes into the eardrums to improve drainage and prevent fluid buildup. This procedure is commonly performed on children with recurrent ear infections or persistent middle ear fluid.


5. Nasal Fracture Repair (Nasal Reduction):

Nasal fracture repair, also referred to as nasal reduction, involves realigning and setting broken nasal bones to restore the nose's shape and function. This procedure is commonly performed to correct nasal fractures resulting from accidents or trauma.


6. Voice and Swallowing Disorders Evaluation and Treatment:

Dr. Griffin provides comprehensive evaluations and treatments for voice and swallowing disorders.


7. Excision of Head and Neck Masses:

When it comes to head and neck masses, such as cysts, tumors, or lymph nodes, Dr. Griffin performs excision procedures to remove them safely and effectively. These procedures may include fine needle aspiration (FNA), biopsy, or surgical excision.


Diagnostic Nasal Endoscopy:

Diagnostic nasal endoscopy involves the use of a thin, flexible tube with a camera to visualize the nasal passages and identify any abnormalities. This procedure helps in diagnosing conditions such as nasal polyps, chronic sinusitis, or nasal tumors.



At our clinic, Dr. Griffin's priority is to provide individualised care, ensuring that each procedure is tailored to meet the unique needs of every patient. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and benefit from Dr. Griffin's expertise in ENT and Facial Plastic surgery.

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